For students in the Online and Sapphire Live programs, no assignments will be assigned on the two testing days.
Students in the Online Program will still have access to courses and can use these days to catch up or work ahead.
Students in the Homeschool Program will still have access to Canvas and can use these days to catch up on work or work ahead.
Students in the Hybrid Program in grades 1-3 will continue to have courses, while students in the Hybrid Program in grades 4-6 will not have courses.
Parents will receive a Registration/Opt-Out Form for each student in grades PreK-8 via email.
The registration form will be provided during the second semester of the 2024-2025 school year and must be submitted by March 31, at 11:59 pm Pacific time.
Recommended - Join the IXL Preparation Webinar on Thursday, April 24 at 9 am Pacific Time. A recording will be made available in the IXL group in the Enlightium Parents app after the event.
To best prepare for the days of the assessment, download and complete the IXL Checklist.
Assessment Cost
There is no fee for Enlightium Academy students to take the IXL Spring assessment.
The Days of Testing
You will receive a link via email to test. You will not need to join a Zoom session or check in or out with an Enlightium team member.
You do not need to start or end at a certain time.
Your student likely will not need to use both days to test.
Technical Requirements
A computer
A PC, Mac, or Chromebook
The Chrome, Safari, or Edge browser installed
A strong internet connection
Before Testing Days
Register for the IXL Spring Assessment. An email with a link to join will be sent during the second semester of the 2024-2025 school year and closes at the end of March.
Mark your calendar. The assessment is scheduled for Wednesday, May 7, and Thursday, May 8, 2025, although students will likely not need both testing days.
Find an Adult Proctor. This is usually the parent/guardian, but can also be a trusted adult friend or family member. The Adult Proctor is present with the student to ensure that the student does not open any other tabs or use another device while testing.
You will see a notification on your screen that has three stars and says that your diagnostic test is complete.
What should I do if the test takes longer than the recommended time?
If your test is taking longer than four hours, it is okay for your student not to complete the whole test. One way to help the test take less time is to select the “I don’t know this yet” option if the student is unsure of the answer. That way the test scores can be narrowed down more quickly and accurately. Additionally, your student is welcome to sign out and then sign back in at a later time.
What should my student do after the test is completed?