Enlightium Academy Support

The Admissions Process: High Volumes of Enrollment

Welcome to Enlightium Academy!

We are excited for your student to start their education with Enlightium Academy! We have a few items for you to complete. Please note the following:
  • All enrollments will be processed in the order they were received.
  • Families with students new to Enlightium: Please note that enrollment forms are currently being processed within 48 hours instead of the standard 24 hours due to a high volume of submissions.

Just enrolled? 

Due to the volume of enrollment forms being received, it may be up to 48 hours before you hear from the Admissions Department. In the meantime, you can complete the steps below.

Note: some steps have more details which can be found here.

  1. Download our school calendar. We recommend you print one for your refrigerator and one for your student’s work station.
  2. Review the Scope and Sequence. Review the courses that your student will likely take to give your family an idea of the material covered this school year. This will also give you the opportunity to review any required purchases.
  3. Review the Family Handbook. Email any questions you may have to support@enlightiumacademy.com.
  4. Review your State’s Education Requirements.
    1. Visit HSLDA.org or propublica.org.
    2. Look up your state on Enlightium Academy’s blog.
    3. For additional questions, contact admissions@enlightiumacademy.com.
  5. Download the Enlightium Parents appThis app is used to stay current on school events, connect with Enlightium families, and talk to staff.

Received an Email from the Admissions Department?

You can now complete the steps below! Once records are received and entrance assessments are complete, your student's counselor will begin to prepare courses.

Note: some steps have more details which can be found here.

  1. Withdraw from previous school. Every school is different, so make sure you talk to your current school about their withdrawal policies. 
  2. Submit student records. 
    1. Click here to see which records your family will need to provide. 
    2. Enlightium will request records from your student’s previous school, but if you have their report card/transcript, please send them to Enlightium: 
      1. Scan and upload using our document uploader (preferred). 
      2. Text a large, clear picture to records@enlightiumacademy.com. 
      3. Scan and email to records@enlightiumacademy.com.
      4. Fax to (888) 317-6571.
  3. Complete the entrance assessments. 
    1. Entrance assessments will be emailed to families with students in grades 1-12.
      1. Click here for details on what you can expect.
  4. Complete the Student Orientation. 
    1. The Student Orientation course is required for students in grades 1–12 and allows students to understand how to use Ignitia, the online curriculum used by Enlightium Academy. 
    2. Parents of AOP and BJU students should complete the orientation course with their students.

Parents of students in the Homeschool Programs (AOP & BJU Press):

  • The publishers experience a backlog of orders during this time. You will receive an email in the coming days from the Homeschool Coordinator with directions for ordering books.



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