Enlightium Academy Support

Screenshare Support with Teachers

The Online Program

  • Screenshare support with teachers is available in the Online Program  for Gold and Diamond packages.
    • Gold package - students receive two hours of screenshare support per month across all courses
    • Diamond package - students receive unlimited* screenshare support per month across all courses
  • As students message their teachers using Ignitia or Canvas, the teacher may recommend a screenshare session with the student for real-time instruction.
  • The student can also request a screenshare session with the teacher to review the material.
*Teachers work to help students become successful independent learners; teaching is twofold: primarily to help students comprehend academic concepts in order to master the material and secondarily to foster independent growth within students so that students take ownership of their education, learning how to learn, and rely less on others over time when mastering new concepts.

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