Enlightium Academy Support

Character Traits at Enlightium Academy


  • At the foundation of education is the truth that God created each human life uniquely in His image to rule in love for God and neighbor. A holistic education, therefore, includes the whole image of God, not merely knowledge but wise living and character formation that results in the love of God and neighbor.
  • For these reasons, character formation is a primary aspect of our approach to education. Further, love harmonizes and contextualizes each key character trait. 
  • By grounding character on this biblical foundation, students are given a transformative knowledge of character that flows from the work of Christ and empowers the purpose and calling of each student in service to the Lord, the church, and society. 
  • Learn more about students’ character traits at Enlightium Academy.


  • Faithfulness
  • Respect
  • Honesty
  • Humility
  • Kindness
  • Perseverance
  • Responsibility

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