 | At Enlightium Academy, students in the Homeschool Program use a text-book curriculum that is ordered by families with Enlightium’s assistance The homeschool program is parent-led, which means that the parent is the teacher and conducts grading, while Enlightium provides record-keeping, administrative support, Student Social Week, and more.
Ordering Books
 | - After you enroll with Enlightium, you will receive a welcome email from your Homeschool Coordinator.
- If you choose the AOP curriculum, an account for your family will be created at Alpha Omega Publications. This can take up to a week. Once the account is created, you will receive another email from the coordinator with detailed information on how to order a textbook curriculum for your student.
- If you choose the BJU Press curriculum, an account for your family will be created by BJU. This can take up to a week. Once the account is created, you will receive an email in 1-2 days with detailed information on how to order a textbook curriculum for your student.
- While your family is waiting for your curriculum to arrive in the mail, you will be provided access to Homeschool resources to start learning per your registration date start.
After Receiving Books
 | Once you start schooling, your family will upload samples of your student’s work in the Ignitia school portal for verification and allow our team to generate report cards. Within Ignitia you will also find links to helpful Grading Guidelines. The coordinator can assist with adjusting the pace, recommending supplemental resources, and providing suggestions if challenges arise. You can also reach out to your Homeschool Coordinator at any time if you have questions or concerns.
 | Email your Homeschool Coordinator if you have any questions or concerns. AOP Curriculum Families: If at any time you have questions on how to complete a purchase via AOP’s online ordering system, please contact AOP using the chat box at the bottom of their web page or calling their support line at 877-688-2652, option 1. BJU Press Curriculum Families: If at any time you have questions on how to complete a purchase via BJU Press’s online ordering system, please contact BJU Press using the chat box at the bottom of their homeschool web page or calling their support line at 800-845-571.