| - Use either the Firefox or Chrome web browser.
- Clearing cache and cookies resolves most issues.
- Working within Ignitia
- Students should always click “Next Question” and “Previous Question” when proceeding through the assignments.
- Students should save essays, etc. offline to avoid them being lost due to technical issues (such as using Google Docs).
- Students should always click “Log Out of Ignitia” to prevent Ignitia from locking them out temporarily.
- Students should never click the browser's “Back” button on assignments to navigate between pages.
- Students should avoid being inactive for more than 20 minutes in Ignitia to avoid being logged out. This can be done by occasionally clicking back and forth on questions to let Ignitia know that the student is still working.
- Working within Canvas
- Canvas works well on any browser but we recommend Chrome (since you will need to be logged into your Enlightium student Gmail account in order to log in to Canvas).
- Access your lessons through the Modules tab. From your Canvas Home screen, click on a course, click Modules, and there you will see your lessons.
- A green check mark will show on the right side of the modules tab next to lessons that have been completed, showing where you left off.
- Canvas allows you to keep multiple tabs open at the same time. To view lesson content and the lesson questions at the same time, right-click on the browser tab and select ‘duplicate.’ This will open a second browser tab which allows you to view the content in one tab and the lesson questions in a second tab.
- When you finish a lesson, click “Mark as Done” or submit the assignment, then click “Next” at the bottom of the screen. This will take you to the next lesson.
- To view your grades, click the Grades tab on your course Home page. If the teacher left feedback, click the View Feedback link.
- To view the results of a quiz or test, open the quiz, click which attempt you’d like to see, and view the results.
- To retake a quiz, open the quiz, and select “Take the Quiz Again.”
- The Canvas Community hosts a wealth of information and resources. If you have any questions, first check here, as others have likely had the same question before you.