What is Theology in Action?
 | - Enlightium offers Theology in Action videos and articles for families to watch and discuss together.
- Theology in Action serves to engage students with important theological topics in a way that focuses on daily decisions and life.
Called into Fellowship Video Series
 | - This five-part video series discusses the meaning and importance of fellowship in Christ.
- Each video focuses on a unique aspect of fellowship, from its meaning in 1 Corinthians to its transformational power in our lives today.
- Click here to watch the full series.
Prophets Video Series
 | - This four-part video series discusses the Prophets of the Old Testament.
- The series takes a close look at three Prophets and how they fit into biblical history and impact our history and lives today with great significance.
- Click here to watch the full series.
Judges Video Series
 | - This four-part video series discusses the book of Judges and studies the lives of Deborah, Barak, Jephthah, and the strong Samson.
- The series takes us on a journey into the fascinating history and lives of the judges and how the faithfulness and covenantal-kindness of God carry His people forward.
- Click here to watch the full series.
Comfort: Video Series
 | - This 11-part video series discusses how God comforts our hearts through His Word amid the many life challenges.
- This series touches on the power of Scripture, comfort during loss and death, change, worry, depression, loneliness, suicidal thoughts, and much more.
- Each video entails a unique speaker discussing a subject unique to their life, which makes this series dynamic and real to life’s challenges.
- Click here to watch the full series.
Growing in Grace Video Series
 | - This eight-part video series discusses the biblical ways of maturing in faith and life.
- The key topics are mediation, prayer, fasting, slowing, solitude, silence, sabbath, service, and communion. Enjoy reflecting upon the biblical ways of growing in the grace of Christ, fulfilling the will of God with strength of heart and clarity of mind.
- Click here to watch the full series.
Apostle's Creed Video Series
 | - This 13-part video series discusses the meaning and importance of the Apostles’ Creed.
- Each video breaks down a line of the creed and elaborates on its doctrinal and practical importance for the Christian faith. This series is our first of Theology in Action and has proven to be a helpful resource on the Apostles’ Creed.
- Click here to watch the full series.
Holiday Video Series
 | - This ongoing video series discusses the significance of various holidays from biblical perspectives and personal experiences from our team at Enlightium Academy.
- Click here to watch the full series.